Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Water Play

Greetings and a Reminder:

I write this blog as we go through ET Mehta Casting with our daughter Olivia. The blog is intended to inform, possibly inspire, and raise awareness of Infantile Scoliosis and its treatment/cure. Please share our story. For more information please check out 

I just wanted to share some pictures of our time today in the splash area of our local zoo. Olivia wasn't a big fan of the water being thrown at her, but I wanted to put these here because I feel these are a great pre-cast memory. 

As "Casting Day" (a new National Bank Holiday maybe?) approaches I begin to have these "moments" (Wow! Ease up on the quotation marks Lady!....and the parentheses). Even though my husband and I have been working very hard at being as positive and optimistic as possible as we embark on this journey one can't help but have some moments of sadness at simple realizations. For as long as Olivia is in this cast I won't be able to rub her back...She won't be cuddly squishy....People are going to stare at her...

Of course I will still "rub her back" (there's those quotation marks again! Oh and parentheses!). I will continue without hesitation to squeeze and cuddle her. Yes, people are going to stare. People will ask questions. The Blue Hairs will not hesitate to comment on her cuteness and in the same sentence ask me if I how this handsome little boy broke his back (Sorry one more set of parentheses here. Olivia is constantly being mistaken for a boy. I know. I know.) Anyway, am I ready for all that? Almost. I think I'll be more ready when it is a reality. 

Want to know what I have done to prepare for the staring? Of course you do! I have made business cards! When people look at us, or approach us with questions, in addition to happily talking to them I will also hand them my card so that they can feel educated at their dinner tables when they talk to their loved ones about the little redhead they saw in the park wearing a cast on her torso. 

I am here to spread the word people! You can help too! Please, if you're reading and following then share! Share on your Twitter! Share on your Facebook! Share on your Pinterest! If you have a blog then share on there! I want as many people as possible to see this blog! If it is shared enough and spread out there then there's more of a chance that people who NEED this information will gain access to it. 

Those of you who have been reading so far, thank you. Thank you for your support, your encouragement, and your positive feedback. It has really touched me the number of people who have reached out, and have offered their help. At this time, the best way you can help is to spread the word. Again, thank you all. 

Olivia's pre-op is Friday. I will be sure to fill you all in on that. I'll leave you with a  couple of questions that I plan on asking the doctors:

1.) Olivia has fair skin. What can I do to best protect it from irritation? Will I be able to bring moleskin home?

2.) What are the pros and cons to having a shirt put on under the cast?

3.) When it comes time to change Olivia's cast what is the start to finish process? I'm curious to know about a timeline on X-rays, sedations, and if the skin under the cast gets any breathing time. 

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